Being Personal When You’re Not In Person: The Importance Of Digital Presencing
Since the pandemic began and most office workers were told to go home, productivity has been a top concern. A quick Google search will result in countless articles on how remote work impacts productivity. Having the right technological systems that connect and share knowledge across workers is critical to productivity, and having the right organizational and team practices are crucial as they establish norms that enhance collective outcomes.
One thing, however, that has received less attention are the softer skills that are now becoming a differentiator as we navigate increased online interaction — being able to sense work dynamics in the digital environment. Different capabilities are necessary as we attempt to find ways to “tune in’’ to our colleagues when we no longer have the privilege of being physically together. We are stripped of the innate ability we have of sensing the undercurrent of a situation. It is much easier to “read the room” when the room isn’t on Zoom. We are all likely familiar that nonverbal cues account for at least 60% of communication. It is much harder to sense a change in tone or even notice a shift of the body across the screen. What do we do when nonverbal cues are harder to detect?
A new skill is needed as we continue to try to maintain or build connection virtually, something I call “digital presencing.” This is the ability to be aware of subtle changes in sentiment across the digital environment. When we are physically together, tuning into nuances is largely innate but this needs more intentionality in tech-centric conditions.
We Are Hardwired To Connect
Humans are hardwired to connect. Research out of the Harvard Medical School, for instance, suggests that fairly complex sets of situational behavior can be traced to the often unconscious influence of social connections. Cognitive scientists report that our sociability is even more central to how our mind functions than our rationality. This is reinforced biologically: both the non-rational social and emotional centers of the brain respond favorably to storytelling and emotion, central elements of our strength-giving sociability.
The study of something called mirror neurons shows that unconscious synchronization among humans happens all the time. We yawn when others yawn and start to dress like our friends. There is a subset of mirror neurons whose job it is to detect other people’s behavior and mirror it in return. This is part of how we learn and demonstrate behavioral modification for social inclusion, collaboration and connection. “Mood transfer via facial expressions and body language is so powerful that people doing it on a daily basis literally start to look alike,” says primatologist Frans de Waal in The Age of Empathy. Empathy is part of human biology. It is built by being able to sense into and adjust to others.
The Impact Of The Digital Environment
Researchers are still learning how the digital screen impacts transfer of sentiment, yet we are starting to see that “virtual (video) social interactions provide cues that are significantly different from the cues available during live interactions.” While research in the field of corporate digital and virtual communication is nascent, we can learn from research on children and how they respond to tech-enabled domains.
Media scholar Sherry Turkle’s research on children clearly shows that empathy is not developing in children who are technology-saturated in the same way or at the same rate as in previous generations. Young brains are not developing empathy because the need to “feel” what others feel is short-circuited when technology acts as the intermediary for communication and emotional intimacy. Sensing and responding to the subtle cues and reactions of others is what creates the human capacity for empathy. When we share the same physical space we can literally feel what the other person is feeling, we can sense it.
In the corporate environment, this lack of emotional connection can result in less effective decision-making and deficient collaboration. It can also lead to a lack of care and understanding, breaking down important cultural cohesion that drives commitment to the organization.
Three Tactics To Build Digital Presencing
In digital environments, we have to work harder to sense and see the needs of others but also the dynamics of a complex situation. It is harder to detect low-level social cues like a subtle gaze or shift in body posture. This means we have to amp up our capabilities in noticing. The more we notice and examine, the more able we are to deepen our sense of a situation and create effective exchanges.
Here are three ways to build your ability to sense into your daily digital interactions:
1. Hone emotional skills. Emotional attunement and intelligence may sound like fluff but humans base decisions on emotions, so when you are emotionally out of tune, organizational alignment suffers. Start by sharing your own emotional context with others and inviting others to do the same.
2. Ask the question. What might have been easily read in the room will require explicit naming when in the digital environment. To make the implicit explicit, start with asking more open-ended questions. It can be tempting to dive headfirst into answers and statements but really, the digital environment requires more question asking because so much is left unstated.
3. Manufacture shared experiences. Empathy develops through sharing experiences that connect us. It can be too easy to move straight into business, leaving the niceties at the virtual door. Where we once had in-person rituals to bolster us, we now are left without. It is important to create virtual rituals of connection that will sustain the team, even if it feels like it is a waste of time at first.
By honing these digital presencing skills, we can tap into our human capacity for connection and cooperation.
Originally published on Forbes HR Council